Localising Global knowledge We are a group of focused, inspired, and driven professionals who are headed to give foreign language learning a whole new perspective. We are here to establish professionalism and sincerity towards language learning and language solutions.
TRAININGOur well experienced trainers make it really easy to learn a foreign language with our very own creative learning and teaching methods. We impart foreign language training to professionals and enthusiasts from any field, to facilitate that leap in their professional as well as personal progress.
TEACHINGWe help the school and undergraduate students to create that additional angle to their personality with a foreign language and make them world ready.
TRANSLATION & INTERPRETATIONWe provide translation as well as interpretation services for foreign and Indian languages. The difference between the two can be roughly defined as translation is a conversion of information from one language to the other in WRITTEN FORMAT whereas interpretation is the conversion in SPOKEN FORMAT.
Written Format
Spoken Format
For Students & Professionals .
For Business
For Kids
For translators
we deal in
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